Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Jyrki Pellinen: Kuuskajaskari

"And as we now think and not a single thought goes as far up as the head."

Kuuskajaskari, from 1964, published as a bilingual edition in Finnish and in English of Leevi Lehto, is a seminal work of the Second Generation Finnish Modernism, by the virtuoso poet Jyrki Pellinen – a "description of life" that "is not tender", an account of the "agony of coming into the world", of a becoming-a-poet-as-a-thing in a process of endless dismemberment, struggling "among creatures of my own size, castle lords, furuncle-faces, robberly inclined, old women, and other such objects of nature".

"[A] collision of thinking with (standard) language, [...] a rift, a site of a violent crash, between intention and effect, experience and expression, thought and consciousness." – Leevi Lehto in his Afterword (online at www.leevilehto.net)

Jyrki Pellinen (born 1940) has published well over thirty books in Finnish. He is the receiver of the National Literary Price (in 1966, 1974, and 1984), and the prestigious Eino Leino Award(in 1991). He is also a talented musician and a prolific visual artist.

Kuuskajaskari: 6" x 9", 145 pages. Artwork by Lauri Wuolio, Cover Image: "Kuuskajaskari" by Jyrki Pellinen (1990), Price €12.38 + mailing costs.

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Janna Kantola: Anteckningar från grannlandet

Hur är det att översätta Saarikoski, Ekelöf, Joyce, Herakleitos, eller Michaux? Janna Kantola behandlar ämnet genom att jämföra översättningar som utnyttjar olika slags översättningsstrategier. Boken är ett "brev" från ett avlägset land, som ligger nära – från det finska Finland till Svenskfinland eller från Finland till Sverige – i grunden från en läsare till en annan. Kantolas iakttagelser har relevans för alla dem som berörs av litteraturens villkor i den globala världen, där "inget folk är ensamt i sin litteratur".

Docent Janna Kantola (född 1971) är en finskspråkig litteraturvetare som intresserar sig för det svenska språket. Hennes doktorsavhandling Tanssi yöhön, pimeään. Gnostilaiset teemat Pentti Saarikosken Tiarnia-sarjassa utkom 1998 (SKS), och boken Runous plus. Tutkimuksia modernismin jälkeisestä runoudesta 2001 (Palmenia). Janna Kantola arbetar som universitetslektor vid Helsingfors universitet, och skriver litteraturkritik för Helsingin Sanomat. Hon har dessutom översatt en samling av Henri Michaux’s prosadikter till finska (Höyheniä, 2003, WSOY & NVL).

Anteckningar från grannlandet: 6" x 9", 89 pages. Artwork by Lauri Wuolio, Price €11.26 + mailing costs.

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Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Tuula Hökkä (toim.): Toiset ambivalentit äänet

Six female scholars, from Norway, Estonia, and Finland, address the work of remarkable 20th Century female poets in their languages – Unni Langås that of Eldrid Lunden, Sissel Furuseth of Gunvor Hofmo, Tuula Hökkä of Eeva-Liisa Manner, Ele Süvalep of Betti Alver, and Auli Auväärt of Debora Vaarandi, whereas Anna Hollsten writes about Finnish writers of childrens literature.

Against the background of International Modernism, with its various avangardes, and the history and culture of their countries, the scholars chart the dimensions, surprises, points in common as well as differences – the richness, and the other ambivalent voices (”toiset ambivalentit äänet”) – of the female poetics in Northern Europe.

he anthology is multi-lingual, one of the essays being is in Norwegian, two in Finnish, one in English, and one in Estonian and English. The authors are specialists in the literature, and above all poetry, in their respective languages. The editor, Tuula Hökkä, Ph.D., is a renown scholar and promoter of Eeva-Liisa Manner's work.

Toiset ambivalentit äänet: 6" x 9", 207 pages. Artwork by Lauri Wuolio

Myynti ja jakelu
Kirja kerrallaan, Mannerheimintie 22-24, 00100 Helsinki, kirja@lasipalatsi.fi, puh. +358-(0)9-612-7798, fax +358-(0)9-6126-5715). Hinta EUR 26,00

kirjantamo.net (EUR 26,00 + postimaksu EUR 1,63)
lulu.com (EUR 24,33 + mailing costs)

Aki Salmela: Word In Progress

”I heard thunshot, but nothing und of ghappened. Ear heavy so I turned tomy chest and lookebarrel frod at it. The pistol tlooked bidea what all the fuit had noss, was aboack as if ut. It migtfrom the factory, me straighthe innoceht have cont gleam to chest. It was wet, I felt mynd sticky fnewness. I found troke beside my nippllet had be.”

English, Finglish, Xinglish, Glinglish – or rather, all these mixed & fucked up to form a seminal work of new Finnish poetry, by Aki Salmela (born 1976), poet and translator, author of Sanomattomia lehtiä (2004), Word in Progress (first edition, 2004), Valveillaoloa (a selection of translations from John Ashbery, 2004), and Leikitään kotia (2005), and winner of the prestigious Kalevi Jäntti Award, 2004.

”Funny no one paid sidewalkany attentacrossthion, I thong. lt consoliugh me, it fel me good.”

Word In Progress: 6" x 9", 54 pages, Artwork by Lauri Wuolio, Price €10.56 + mailing costs.

Myynti ja jakelu
Kirja kerrallaan, Mannerheimintie 22-24, 00100 Helsinki, kirja@lasipalatsi.fi, puh. +358-(0)9-612-7798, fax +358-(0)9-6126-5715). Hinta EUR 17,10

Verkkomyynti / Buy online
kirjantamo.net (EUR 17,10 + postimaksu EUR 1,63)
lulu.com (EUR 10,56 + maling costs)